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Showing posts from August, 2007

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL

Keenan has his first scrimmage game for the Jacksonville Storm...Jake is playing too...they're so cute...I mean tough looking...hehe. Uh oh,don't forget your mouthpiece...

Keenan's Birthday

Keenan is getting bigger every day...boasting a whoping 79 pounds but giving his booster seat the slip by turning 8 just seems funny to think of him sitting in it just two weeks ago. Well, here are some pics of his birthday...more to come...
"Hey" It's Tracie & Jerry and this is our blog page. I got the idea from my cousin Stacey (thanks Stacey:) and wanted to jump on the blogging wave and get us started. I've posted some wedding pics from our November '06 wedding. We're coming up on our 1st wedding anniversary...Yaaay...Hope to post more soon of our future adventures:)